Thursday, February 2, 2012

Photos Effects: Fill A Photo With Photos

Step 1: Crop The Main Photo Into A Close-Up Of The Person's Face

Step 2: Crop The Smaller Photos

Step 3: Open A New 100 px x 100 px Document or Ctrl+N

Step 4: Drag Your Two Small Images Into The New Document
Select the Move Tool.
Click inside the first image with the Move Tool and drag it into the new document.
Click inside the new document and drag the image into the top left corner.
Hold down "Alt"
Drag the second image into the new document with the Move Tool.
Drag the image into the top right corner.
Hold down "Alt"

Step 5: Flatten The Image
Photoshop's Layers palette showing five layers.
The Layers palette now showing only one layer after flattening the image.
Go to Layer menu at the top of the screen and select Flatten Image.

Step 6: Desaturate The Image
Press "Shift+Ctrl+U"

Step 7: Define A Pattern With The Image
Go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Define Pattern.

Step 8: Create A New Layer In The Main Photo
Click the "New Layer" icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
The Layers palette showing the new blank layer above the Background layer.

Step 9: Fill The New Layer With The Pattern You Created
go  to the Edit menu and choose Fill or use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F5. 

*The image is now completely filled with the pattern.*

Step 10: Change The Blend Mode Of The Layer To "Overlay"
Change the blend mode of the pattern-filled layer from "Normal" to "Overlay" to blend the pattern with the image.

                                         The result

Monday, January 24, 2011


We will create a simple fire

1. Start off with a new document, size doesn't matter.
Grab your paint bucket tool and fill your document with black.

2 .Now make your foreground color white. Select your pencil tool and select the brush to be 9 px, now draw a straight white line almost at the bottom

3. Select your smudge tool and make your brush about 19 px then smudge the line upwards

4. Now it's time to color the fire, click adjustment layer>color balance, adjust the slider.

5. Duplicate your current layer, and now you can choose freely which style you like. Set your blending option to either color burn, linear burn, color dodge, linear light or vivid light.

Liquify Filter

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a liquify image

1. Open Photoshop. Open an image to apply Liquify.

2. Filter > Liquify

3. This will open the Liquify dialogue box.

4. By default, the Warp Tool is selected if not, select the following Warp Tool at the top left of the dialogue box.

5. Input 25 for brush size and 70 for brush pressure

6. Place the cursor on the Toe of the left shoe and drag it slightly towards right.

7. Place the cursor on the Toe of the right shoe and drag it slightly towards left.

8. Click OK and save the image.

Saturday, January 22, 2011



In this tutorial you will learn how to create a text effects.

Step 1:

Create a document,make it 1000px & 1000px.

Step2: Fill your background with black. Go to EDIT>FILL>CONTENTS>BLACK or simply shift+f5>contents>black.

Step3: Using type tool write your name, adjust the way you like it.

Step4: Using smudge tool, make it look like in fire.

Step5: Under your layers palette, click the adjustment layer>color balance, adjust the color balance. and the tone balance.

Step6: Now, get another text just like the 1st one. and drag the text over the 1st one. Set the blending mode to overlay.

Friday, January 21, 2011



In this tutorial you will learn how to change one's color hair using quick mask mode and hue/ saturation.

In this lesson we will be using the image below:

First open the image of your choice like the above. Open a new document which will serve as our file. Click RECTANGULAR MARQUE TOOL and make a selection with the image,copy and paste it in your the newly open file. You now have your LAYER1.

After having a new layer enter the image into a quick mask mode which is located under your foreground and background color.

Next we have to use your brush tool, make sure you have choose a soft brush. Try to choose a selection which will be changing. After selecting an image. get out of quick mask mode.

After that you van see that some of the images has been selected. Copy the selected images and open a new layer.

Press CTRL+U (which is for hue/saturation) adjust the slider to your choosen color.

Using The Red Eye Tool

Basic red eye removal

For this tutorial we're going to use the following image:

Step 1 : Open this picture in Photoshop.

Step 2: Duplicate the Background layer by dragging/dropping its thumbnail onto the Create a new layer icon Create a new layer icon or you can just simply click layer>new>layer via copy.

Step 3: Select the Red Eye tool Red Eye tool in the tool bar.

With the tool selected use the following settings in the options bar:

Pupil Size: 50%
Darken Amount: 70%:

Step 4: Make sure that the Background copy layer is the active layer (it will have a blue background in the layers palette):

Step 5 :
Now remove the red in each eye by making a rough selection.

Step 6: There you have your photo without a red eye.


In this tutorial you will learn on how to add a moon to a photo.

Step 1

Open an image of a moon that you will put in the photo. ( Any image of moon will do.)

Step 2


Step 3

Make a selection with the image.

Step 4

Press Ctrl+C in your keyboard.

Step 5

Open an image you want to add your image 1 (moon)

Step 6

Press Ctrl+V in your keyboard.

Step 7

Position he moon in the photo.

Step 8

Change the blending mobe of the layer to SCREEN.

Step 9

Press enter.